Xeno-free Organoid Generation Workflow From Stem Cell
Spheroids Using VitroGel® STEM and VitroGel®ORGANOID
Hydrogel System
Start from stem cells directly from liquid nitrogen (skipping the 2D
culture process) to establish high-quality 3D spheroids for differentiation
to further formation and maturation into organoids. The entire process is
animal-origin free! Discover how the xeno-free VitroGel STEM and VitroGel ORGANOID
hydrogels are used to generate and culture mid/hind-gut organoids from
hPSC stem cells directly from liquid nitrogen.
VitroGel® STEM
Establish stem cell spheroids directly from liquid nitrogen (5 min
- High-quality 3D stem cells for differentiation and organoid formation
- Easy scale-up (from laboratory scale to industrial scale)
- Efficient cell harvesting or subculturing
Supports a wide range of organoids from patient-derived samples, stem
cells, tissues, co-culture, and PDX resources
Scalable protocol for lab automation
Easy 20-minute cell harvesting (enzyme-free)
Explore the full potential of 3D cell culture research
VITROGEL® hydrogels
closely mimic the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) environment and give
an outstanding balance of biological functions and operating ease to
establish a robust 3D cell culture platform.
Our cutting-edge
hydrogels enable high-throughput processing and scale-up of the 3D cell
platform for multiple applications, from organoids to stem cells to
invasion assay, angiogenesis assay, and more.