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Bio-Techne Newsletter | May 8, 2018




5¿ù Stem Cells Newsletter ¼Ò½Ä

       Webinar: Setting Your iPSC Research Up For Success

       New Hypoxia White Paper


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5 Reasons to Use Small Molecules in Stem Cell Research


5 Reasons to Use Small Molecules in Stem Cell Research
Stem cellsÀÇ differentiation°ú reprogrammingÀº º¹ÀâÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. ¿¬±¸¿¡ small molecules »ç¿ëÀ» °í·ÁÇÏ°í °è½Å°¡¿ä? TocrisÀÇ blog¸¦ ÅëÇØ small moleculesÀÌ stem cell workflow¸¦ °£¼ÒÈ­Çϴµ¥ µµ¿òÀÌ µÉ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â 5°¡Áö ¹æ¹ýÀ» È®ÀÎÇغ¸¼¼¿ä. Read More.


The Cellular Response to Hypoxia in Cancer White Paper


The Cellular Response to Hypoxia in Cancer White Paper
Cancer stem cellsÀº tumorÀÇ aggressive¿Í metastatic¿¡ ÀáÀçÀûÀÎ ¿øÀÎÀÌ µÉ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. TumorsÀÇ hypoxia°¡ cancer cell-renewal capacity¸¦ ¾î¶»°Ô À¯µµÇÏ´ÂÁö È®ÀÎÇغ¸¼¼¿ä. Read New Hypoxia White Paper.


New eBook! Stem Cell Analysis Advancements for Western Blotting


New eBook! Stem Cell Analysis Advancements for Western Blotting
Protein analysis
´Â stem cell research¿¡ Áß¿äÇÑ ¿ªÇÒÀ» ÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ´ëºÎºÐÀÇ ¿¬±¸Àڵ鿡°Ô Western blottingÀº protein analysisÀÇ toolbox·Î½á key componentÀÔ´Ï´Ù. eBookÀ» ÅëÇؼ­ stem cell research field¿¡¼­ ¹ßÀüÇÏ°í ÀÖ´Â ±â¼ú¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­ È®ÀÎÇغ¸¼¼¿ä.


Webinar: Setting Your iPSC Research Up For Success


Webinar: Setting Your iPSC Research Up For Success
R&D Systems¿¡¼­ ÁÖÃÖÇÑ webinar¸¦ ÅëÇؼ­ È¿À²ÀûÀÎ iPSC °ËÁõÀÇ Á߿伺°ú ¿¬±¸¿¡ »ç¿ëµÇ´Â raw materialsÀÌ ¾î¶»°Ô ¿µÇâÀ» ¹ÌÄ¥ ¼ö ÀÖ´ÂÁö¿¡ ´ëÇØ È®ÀÎÇغ¸¼¼¿ä.


Bio-Techne at Upcoming Meetings

American Association of Immunology Annual Meeting (AAI) 2018
Austin, TX, USA May 4-8, 2018

World Advanced Therapies and Regenerative Medicine 2018
London, UK May 16-18, 2018

International Society for Cell Therapy (ISCT) 2018
Montreal, Canada May 2-5, 2018

American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Annual Meeting 2018
Chicago, IL USA May 16-19, 2018

Z3/Z4 Keystone Symposia: Advances in Neurodegenerative Diseases Research and Therapy and New Frontiers in Neuroinflammation
Keystone, CO USA June 17-21, 2018

International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting 2018
Melbourne, Australia June 20-23, 2018


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